Sub Menus

Adding another menu, to be used from a menu item or hotbar item is EASY.

Adding a menu is fairly simple, for people that don't like long reading here's how you do it in 3 steps: 1. Copy the default selector.yml and rename it to for example sub-selector.yml (also change the top line inside the file to 'sub-selector:') 2. Add it in the config.yml to the menus list 3. You can now use it in a hotbar item or menu item by adding: '[menu] sub-selector' to the actions like the example below: (YOU CAN ALSO DO THIS IN MENU ITEMS)

        name: "&b&lOpen Sub Menu &7(Right-Click)"
          - "&fRight-click to sub menu"
        material: CHEST
        durability: 0
        amount: 1
      slot: 0
        - "[menu] sub-selector"

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