Faction Hook
Setting up the coldfactionhook add-on
You need either my HCF plugin or Lazarus for this to work, we do not support other cores yet.
This plugin hooks in to my HCF or Lazarus and opens up an api endpoint to share lives/deathban information. All you have to do is drop the jar in your HCF server(s). And configure a unique name of that specific HCF server in /plugins/ColdFactionHook/config.yml.
After that you just have to go in to your Lobby server, go in to /plugins/ColdLobby/hooks/hcf.yml and enable it, and enter the ip (and name if you changed it in the ColdFactionHook/config.yml) to the HCF server's ip. If your lobby and hcf servers are not on the same machine, make sure you (or your hosting) has port 4567 open so the servers can communicate!
A download link of this addon can be found in the discord server!
Last updated